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Five things you told us

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One of the very first steps on our journey was to find out who our readers are and what you want from Mosaic & Glass. Thank you so much to each of you who shared your views in the survey we carried out before launching. We’ve used these insights to shape our magazine and plans for the future.

Here are five important things you told us:

1. The vast majority of you (72%) – our readers – are artists. And there’s a fairly even split between glass and mosaic artists of almost 50/50. Similarly, the split between hobbyists and professionals is approximately 50/50. Some of you are hobbyists looking to change to a full-time career in art. You all told us that you want a magazine that inspires you, educates you, and supports you in your hobbies or businesses, and that is exactly what we’re going to do! The other 28% of interested readers are gallery owners, curators, critics and collectors. They’re interested in finding out more about mosaic and glass art and artists, and also to help inform them in their buying and curation choices.

2. More than 80% of respondents are happy to read about mosaic and glass art in the same magazine. When we first embarked on this journey, we wondered if it would be better to focus on one or the other. But there are so many synergies and interesting stories to share on mosaic and glass art and artists that, when the vast majority of you agreed with our idea, we decided to go ahead and cover both in Mosaic & Glass magazine.

3. You want different options so that you can choose how you want to read the magazine. There’s something special about holding a magazine in your hands. That was evident in what you told us – 41% said you’d like to receive solely a printed copy while 10% said you’d prefer a digital or online version only. The majority (49%) of you said you’d like to have three options available to you so that you have flexibility on how and when you read it: print, digital (page-turning PDF) and online on our website where you’ll benefit from extra video/audio/images and there’s also the option to translate the articles into your language using Google Translate. So we’ve made all three options available to you. And if you choose an annual print subscription, you’ll also get access to the digital (page-turning PDF) version and the articles on our website.

4. The majority of you wanted the price range of the magazine to be between £4.99 and £7.99 (GBP). We’ve decided on a price of £6.99 plus postage for a printed copy or £4.99 for a digital version or to read the articles on our website. And, if you subscribe to receive four issues per year, you save 10%! We believe this represents excellent value for money for a magazine packed with high-quality editorial by artists and professional writers and journalists.

5. Most of you are women and you’re an educated bunch of people! 88% of you are women, 9% are men and 1% are non-binary (2% preferred not to say). And 64% of you are educated to degree level or higher. By coincidence, the demographic of our professional writers and journalists is shaping up to reflect a similar gender ratio as our readers.

What our readers think and want will always shape our actions and future plans. So please get in touch at any time to share your views and ideas.

Image by Catherine Hayford.

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